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Berkeley Enhancement and Enrichment Program Online

The nature of this year’s BEEP Program will be synchronous 🙋 and asynchronous 💻 in order to ensure the quality delivery of the short courses offered. The whole BEEP Program will run in our Learning Management System. This will offer a preview of online learning for the coming Academic Year.


Open Class for:
Elementary: 🔺E
High School: 🔶HS
Adults: 🔵A

Mode of Delivery:
Synchronous 🙋S : 12 synchronous sessions where students will have a virtual face to face sessions with the teachers and their classmates through Google Meet or Zoom.
Asynchronous 💻A : self-paced tasks and activities assigned to students to prepare for the next synchronous session or to strengthen mastery of a competency or topic assigned.

🀄 Mandarin

🔺E 🔶HS 🔵A
Mandarin is widely spoken throughout the world. This course aims to give its students a very good foundation on the language and its use in different contexts.

Mon, Wed & Fri | 8:30-9:30am


Tues & Thurs

₱ 3,500.00

🌱 Urban Gardening

While at home, students will be exposed to urban gardening and how they can use any space at home to learn the fundamentals of planting specific vegetables, equipping them with skills to harness this to a full-blown hobby.

Tues, Thurs & Sat | 9:30-10:10am


Mon, Wed & Fri

₱ 4,200.00
includes Starter Kit

👾 Game Development

🔺E 🔶HS
Students will be engaged in creating a game of their own using Scratch Programming to jumpstart their interest in not only playing games but creating them.

Mon, Wed & Fri | 9:30-10:10am


Tues, Thurs & Sat

₱ 4,500.00

📚 Reading Enhancement

This reading program targets 6 to 7-year-olds and 8 to 12-year-olds who have difficulties in coping with the demand for reading in their current grade level and students who want to enhance reading comprehension skills.

Tues, Thurs & Sat | 8:30-9:10am


Mon, Wed & Fri

₱ 5,500.00

🔗 Math Enhancement

This math program is meant to cover the fundamentals of the four basic operations ensuring mastery of elementary students through drills and problem-solving.

Mon, Wed & Fri | 10:30-11:10am


Thurs, Fri & Sat

₱ 5,500.00

🏃 Beginners HipHop

🔺E 🔶HS
Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat your breathing. It's the expression in time and movement, we can dance whatever we are feeling. Everyone can dance. Everyone can learn to dance.
alab logo

Mon, Wed & Fri | 1:00-1:40


Tues, Thurs & Sat

₱ 4,000.00

✒️ Visual Arts

🔺E 🔶HS
Every artist was first an amateur. Allow us to start your child's art journey starting with the stroke and shades of a pencil to a world of endless colors and possibilities.
alab logo

Mon, Wed & Fri | 4:00-5:00 pm


Tues, Thurs & Sat

₱ 4,000.00


🔺E 🔶HS
This English as a Second Language (ESL) program is meant for International Students who would like to learn the English Language. This will prepare them for mainstream classes in the coming academic year.

Daily | 1:00-1:40



$ 600.00

🎒 Enrichment Program

🔺E 🔶HS
Enrichment Programs in the different Subject Areas are offered to students who had grade deficiencies. This program is set for them to tackle further the different competencies that they need to master before being promoted to the next level. This program is one-on-one.