Privacy Policy


Personal information is information or opinion, whether true or not, about a person whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion – that is recorded in any form. For example, a person’s name, address, phone number and date of birth (age). De-identified information about students can also be personal information.

Health information is information or opinion about a person’s physical, mental or psychological health or disability, that is also personal information – whether in writing or not. This includes information or opinion about a person’s health status and medical history, immunisation status and allergies, as well as counselling records.

Sensitive information is information or opinion about a set of specific characteristics, including a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or affiliations, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices; or criminal record. It also includes health information.

What information do we collect?

Our school collects the following type of information:

  • information about students and their families, provided by students, their families and others
  • information about job applicants, staff, volunteers and visitors; provided by job applicants, staff members, volunteers, visitors and others.

How do we collect this information?

Our school collects information in a number of ways, including:

  • in person and over the phone: from students and their families, staff, volunteers, visitors, job applicants and others
  • from electronic and paper documentation: including job applications, emails, invoices, enrolment forms, letters to our school, consent forms, our school’s website or school-controlled social media
  • through online tools: such as apps and other software used by our school
  • through any CCTV cameras located at our school.

Collection notices

When our school collects information about you, our school takes reasonable steps to advise you of how the information will be handled. This includes the purpose of the collection, and how to access, update and correct information held about you. For information about students and their families, a collection notice is provided to parents (or students who are mature minors) upon enrolment.

Unsolicited information about you

Our school may receive information about you that we have taken no active steps to collect. If permitted or required by law, our school may keep records of this information. If not, we will destroy or de-identify the information when practicable, lawful and reasonable to do so.

Why do we collect this information?

Primary purposes of collecting information about students and their families Our school collects information about students and their families when necessary to:

  • educate students
  • support students’ social and emotional wellbeing, and health
  • fulfil legal requirements
  • enable our school to:
    • communicate with parents about students’ schooling matters and celebrate the efforts and achievements of students
    • maintain the good order and management of our school
  • enable the School to:
    • ensure the effective management, resourcing and administration of our school
    • fulfil statutory functions and duties
    • plan, fund, monitor, regulate and evaluate the Department’s policies, services and functions
    • comply with reporting requirements
    • investigate incidents in schools and/or respond to any legal claims

Primary purposes of collecting information about others

Our school collects information about staff, volunteers and job applicants:

  • to assess applicants’ suitability for employment or volunteering
  • to administer employment or volunteer placement
  • to fulfil various legal obligations, including employment and contractual obligations

When do we use or disclose information?

Our schoo* for a primary purpose – as defined above

  • for a related secondary purpose that is reasonably to be expected – for example, to enable the school council to fulfil its objectives, functions and powers
  • with notice and/or consent – including consent provided on enrolment and other forms
  • when necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to:
    • a person’s life, health, safety or welfare
    • the public’s health, safety or welfare
  • to investigate or report unlawful activity, or when reasonably necessary for a specified law enforcement purpose, including the prevention or investigation of a criminal offence or seriously improper conduct, by or on behalf of a law enforcement agency
  • for research or school statistics purposes
  • to establish or respond to a legal claim.

Accessing your information

All individuals, or their authorised representative(s), have a right to access, update and correct information that our school holds about them.

Access to student information

Our school only provides school reports and ordinary school communications to parents who have a legal right to that information.

In some circumstances, an authorised representative may not be entitled to information about the student. These circumstances include when granting access would not be in the student’s best interests or would breach our duty of care to the student, would be contrary to a mature minor student’s wishes or would unreasonably impact on the privacy of another person.

Storing and securing information

Our school takes reasonable steps to protect information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Our school stores all paper and electronic records securely, consistent with the Department’s records management policy and information security standards.

Updating your information

We endeavour to ensure that information about students, their families and staff is accurate, complete and up to date. To update your information, please contact our school’s Admissions office.

Website privacy policy

Cookies and web scripts

This website uses cookies which are small text files that are generated by our servers and stored onto your computer. They allow us to recognise when you return to certain sites and allow us to register user preferences.

A cookie is sent from our server and automatically placed on your computer without notification. Personal preferences or information may be stored in the cookie, which is then sent back to the server on completion of the session. Cookies may be turned off within your browser, however, this may make some sites unusable.

Pages on this site may be coded with scripts from Google Analytics. This is transparent to the user, as the software makes use of an invisible image at the bottom of the web page. This software stores a cookie in your browser, which contains a unique identifier, and sends information to Google Analytics. This enables Google Analytics to track the number of unique visitors to this site. In no way does this unique identifier identify a user personally.

For more information, see:

Google Analytics Google Privacy Centre